The series begins with a brutal breakup that leaves Namu almost to the brink of death with an unknown partner later to be revealed to be Navvy. Navvy claims he is seeking courtship with her sister Janice’s best friend Tracy. Al suffering from dementia takes Tracy, his childhood friend, captive as a result of a previous minor confrontation. Disillusioned and confused he handles the situation with severe brutality and torture wary that she might reveal a deeply rooted secret between them. Defending his acts as punishment due to her untrustworthy nature he seeks solace in Namu via mobile who guides him through the situation. But this only riddles him with confusion as it contrasts with Tracy’s concern in genuinely helping him out of the situation despite her suffering. Like a cat playing with its food Namu toys with Al emotions to the point Al contemplates suicide. Al tries to cover up Tracy’s disappearance with Navarro investigating it closely it tandem with his boss, Cruz. After Navvy’s colleague’s death draws crucial evidence that contradicts Al’s alibi Navvy draws him as a major suspect. Al is caught and detained by the two but manages to escape through the help of Namu. Plagued by a guilty conscience, this gives Al a chance to head back to Tracy and provide her an opportunity to escape as he leaves to an unknown place with suicidal intent. However Tracy’s deteriorating condition gives Namu time to get to her and kill her. However due to Al’s hesitation in committing suicide an unknown
perpetrator gets to him and subdues him. Janice, Navvy and Cruz arrive a while later at the scene of the crime to a sparkling house with no evidence. Navvy infuriated and desperate seeks the help of his ex-girlfriend, Namu, who happens to have the perpetrator in her hands. Namu brainwashes Navvy into believing that Al is the mysterious killer that he has been searching for. This supported by evidence from when Al subjected Tracy to torture. Ina rage, Navvy murders Al unconsciously placing himself as the main suspect for all 3 murders. The series ends when Namu reveals her accomplice who happens to be Navvy’s boss and her intent on making her ex-boyfriend suffer for leaving her for dead during their breakup.
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